20 Oct, 2022

Nomination committee appointed for the 2023 Annual General Meeting in Spago Nanomedical

In accordance with a resolution at Spago Nanomedical AB’s Annual General Meeting on May 18, 2022, a Nomination Committee for the 2023 Annual General Meeting has been appointed.

The Nomination Committee for the 2023 Annual General Meeting has been established based on the largest owners as of September 30, 2022, who wished to participate in the Nomination Committee's work. The Nomination Committee has the following composition:

  • Peter Lindell, represents Cidro Förvaltning AB and own holding
  • Mikael Lönn, represents own holding
  • Eva Redhe, represents own holding

The Nomination Committee has elected Peter Lindell as Chairman. 

The Nomination Committee's assignment is to present proposals for the Annual General Meeting regarding the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting, election of Chairman and other members of the Board, as well as remuneration to each of the Board members. The Nomination Committee shall also submit proposals for the election and remuneration of auditors.

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by e-mail to: valberedning2023@spagonanomedical.se